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Welcome/ Building the Cosmic Smashbook (CSB)
Get out your paper and glue sticks because it’s time to make your Smashbook! This will be your sacred container for all your deep intuitive work you will be doing in the future. Think of this book as something valuable and precious. It will reveal so much insight to you. There are no limits to what you can do and where you will go with this vehicle of creative intuition.
It may be helpful to take a few deep breaths before you start doing the work. Try to release anything that is on your mind so that you can clearly follow your subconscious mind on this journey. If you need to, do a “ brain dump”… take a sheet of paper and just free write everything that is on your mind for a few minutes. Try to “dump” out all the junk that may distract you from doing the work.
Building the book is part of the fun. Collect something from all five senses to go into the book. Use essential oils or other scents to indicate smell. Scrunching the pages covers touch and sound, use bright colors to activate sight. Put in candy wrappers or other food labels to indicate taste. This book is all about you! Have fun with it!
(THIS IS JUST SUGGESTIONS, use anything you like. If you are very sensitive to smells, then don’t include that etc. Make it yours by including some other personal item. )
Making Pockets
Once you have the technique down you can make as many as you like. Bring some ephemera from your stash, or make something special to go inside your pockets. Don’t forget about them, use them! You can make different sizes too. Get creative and have fun!
Resting Page
Here is where you lay down something irritating, something worrisome, or something heavy. Maybe you need to let it go forever– maybe you just need to let it go for a while until a more convenient time.
Before you start this page make a list of things that have been on your mind. Things that keep coming up or maybe new things that have popped up recently. Bills, relationship issues, self care neglect, or anything else. Try to find one that is not too TRIGGERING. You don’t want to get to lost in the murk of your subconscious with little to no support.
You will have the convenience of speaking about it in the Facebook group if you choose to but I want you to pick something that has medium consequence. Something you can put to rest and feel a difference when the page is done. If you get too deep, remember you can stop and seek guidance. That’s what I am here for.
On the other hand, don’t be afraid of the page. Trust the process. Expose your inner critic if you must and enjoy doing so! In my example that is just what I did. I exposed my animal guides to fight with truth against my inner critic.
Also remember your page will be nothing like mine. It will have different colors, it will have different symbols… it will have a different meaning. It’s supposed to! Get lost in the process and trust your intuition regarding paint choices and shapes. Use google to search for meanings of colors, shapes, creatures, etc. really get at the depth of your work!
Visualization/ Meditation
The purpose of this meditation is several fold. One, to help you relax, two to help you get your mind open to receiving from your intuition, and three to help you connect with a part of yourself you might not otherwise connect with in an intimate way.
Relax and enjoy this meditation and come back to it as often as you need or want to. It’s a free gift to you!
Grounding Page
Grounding pages are similar to resting pages in that they are both structured to help you regain a peaceful frame of mind but grounding pages are not for putting an issue to rest, it’s for putting yourself to rest.
When you create your page try to use something that you find soothing, calming, grounding. Leaves from outside, even sticks or twigs can be used to paint with. Integrate what grounds you into your pages. If you feel secure and focused and grounded when around a certain person, try to paint symbols that remind you of them, or ask for something small from them that you can include in the pages. So when you need grounding you can come back to the page and lay your hands on that item.
Your grounding page should be used repeatedly until you feel the need for another. Leave your handprints, or footprints on the pages, in paint. Remember that the grounding page is a tool for YOU!
No matter what, don’t stop being thankful for things, people and the intangibles in life. Keep up a gratitude practice and revisit your lists frequently to remind yourself of all the amazing things in your life. Life gets hard. Let’s make it a little easier.